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Water Day!

It's been pretty hot in our area lately, as often happens shortly before rainy season starts.

So, our teams in the Fulp's home and the adult home decided to take on the heat with a fun water day!

Although several of us only got a glimpse before we had to leave, I wanted to share some of the fun.

The kid's pool was inflated and ready to go, along with a few sprinkler toys, and isolated tubs of water for the kids who prefer their own private swimming experience! Each of the kids got to wear fun swimwear, even the three who would not be getting wet.

I think the nannies have more fun with this than the kids sometimes! There were many adults around, and despite watching out for the kids, they had no trouble fully engaging in the shenanigans themselves!

Cesar is always obsessed by water, so this is his dream come true!

He had a blast smashing around, and aggressively assaulting whoever was within droplet range.

Esther is a beach bum at heart and always loves soaking up the rays. Generally water is not her favorite, but her first class pool separated from the pandemonium of the others seemed to work for her.

Kids were everywhere! and so was the water!! Not so great for the temporary observers who wished to remain dry!

Pedro and Augusto seemed to enjoy themselves.

Augusto a bit more than Pedro!

It did take a lot to get the rowdy bunch to lay of the splashing long enough to get the twins settled!

This was a great picture of Agusto...

Well, as long as you later saw B come back up for air!!

She loved submerging, even if she took out a few kids along the way!

Manuelito was pretty chill and rocked the sunglasses.

He kinda gets all the ladies with those chunky thighs!

Even our kids who can't swim alone got some splashes!

I promise Humberto warmed up to the water!

And would you just look at this team!

These ladies sure love the kids, and help make sure each one gets to enjoy some of the special day.

It is an incredible blessing to see such love for kids that so many call "less than".

These kids are worth all the water days.


A few minutes into the fun, the adult kids showed up!

Checha was the first to get soaked.

No sooner had he been sat at the edge than he was overwhelmed by swarm of "helping" hands.

I wasn't sure if he was going to make it out alive!

Ale and Rafa were great!

See, Ale really wants to like water day because of the hype-

I'm telling you, She wants SO MUCH to like it, but she actually hates it and reflexively shudders every time she is splashed.

Rafa on the other hand wants to dislike it because simply because of the hype-- and he most certainly dislikes it in reality as well!

Their water exposure was brief!

Yenni was pretty vocal about her opinion of getting wet...

It did not save her! Christina on the other hand was living her best life.

As things grew more chaotic, some of the smaller kids had to slide farther from the action. Thank goodness for the mini pool periphery!

Farther out still were a few honorary swimmers-

David has had a tough recovery post g-tube placement, so he was kept well away from the chaotic violence... I mean fun expressions of joy that the water day brought out.

Daisy too sported her lovely swimming suit and enjoyed the fresh air from a safe distance.

Ruavis was our other little man who opted out.

At this point, we had to slip out, and pray that the adults would eventually have the self control end the festivities to get back to all the other things... such as diapers and meals!

All in all it was a loud, wet, crazy experience in the sunshine.

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1 Comment

Mar 22

Again , another awesome read! Love how you bring us into "your world" of HOPE for the lost and rejected young people of Guatemala. You bring much needed laughter and joy to my soul with your story telling gift! Thank you! Vi

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