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Moving Day- Virtual and Physical!

For the virutal move, I have a website!

I'll continue short blog updates and fun stories there and through social media or email.

But now, newsletters will also be avialable on the site and via emial. Please reach out if you would like added to the emial list!

Check out my new page here:

There's even a slick logo- Fancy!

Now, if you really enjoy digging throught he archives of old posts and happenings, all power to you! You can still find them at

Or if you really want to go back in time, is still out there! I mean, I might slightly judge you for having nothign more to do with your time than go back a few years, but, I mean, it is an option!


Oh! And I'm not the only one on this renovation kick!

Hope for Home Ministries has been catching up to the times with a new webpage as well. This has been a long time in coming as the previous page was... a dinosaur!

Check out Hope for Home's renovation here:

Now it's easier to find all the projects, different team members, and children waiting for sponsors.


Ok, and now for the physical move!

I've enjoyed my beautiful town of San Antonio for nearly 10 years under the shadow of the volcanoes. Some days are more shadowy than others when Feugo decides to shoot out too much ash!

But now, I'm heading north!

I'm heading to the department of Quiche to work with Peniel and Stephanie Tix at Sion for the next year.

SION ("Zion" in English) is an evangelical ministry where maternity and nutrition services are offered to the town of San Andrés Sajcabajá, Guatemala, and surrounding villages.

I love what I do, and being farther from the kids will certainly be tough!

See, at the moment, a pile of cuddles is just a 5 minute walk down the road.

So why the move??

Well, we have nurses!

Two local nurses have joined our staff in the last year. And for the next year, a third from Pennsylvania.

Our team is also growing to include a nutritionist!

With so many skilled professionals, I am no longer the only one for the job!

That gives me the opportunity to step away for a time and enjoy some clinical work (which I love!). -- I mean, look at that smile!!

Sion also visits families in remote mountains- home visits being something I greatly miss from my early years in Guatemala!

It is one of the most beautiful moments to me to share with a family in the intimacy of their own home. You can truly assess their environment and adjust education accordingly.

You know better what their struggles are, and can pray together more completely.

More than anything, in their home, families feel more natural and comfortable, and are often more encouraged by the visit than if they make the hours long trek down into town by foot carrying children.

Also in this time more remote, I hope to slow down some from the fast pace and constant status of on-call that has taken a toll over time.

So for the next year I'll be exploring the more remote mountain department of Quiche'.

Here most folks speak K'iche' first, and Spanish second!

I'll be the second foreigner in the entire town, so it's quite the opportunity to improve my Spanish while learning a smattering of the local Mayan dialect.

I hope to take online classes in nutrition from a university here in Guatemala, so the information will include how to bes incorporate with resources and education available here.

I hope you'll continue to join me in these moves, virtual and physical!

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