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Rainy Season

This year, the rains have sure taken their time in coming, and even caused a drought.

But now that the rains have come, they have come heavily.

I spent a week away and came back to leaks in the ceiling, moisture and in the walls, and mold everywhere! Even my books, toilet paper, and couch were damp!

In rooms I can close, I can run the dehumidifier.

It may not run most of the year, but when it does, it sure earns it's keep!

Cloths won't line dry, even if out of the rain, becuase the air is simply too damp.

This is where it's helpful to have frineds in dry places who will lend some dryer time.

See what I did there?! -- Sorry!

I can't sweep ash or dirt form the courtyard, so getting to the bathroom or corssing the house means muddy feet tracking everywhere.

Easy fix- keep shoes on for this season!

In some areas there is not much you can do.

The leak in the ceiling can't stop until the rain does, which doesn't look likely for another week. For now I go up several times a day to sweep away any puddles, but the rain is pretty constant, so this won't get me far.

See, the drain is higher than the puddle.

Designing fail!

I'm not alone though.

In fact, I have it easy.

As I walk around town, every pause in the rain, I see neighbors on their rooftops sweeping away.

Walking to the grouphomes is best with boots. It seems last week when they scooped out the sewage, they did not collect the bags on time, and those now rest in the street turned river.

Leaving the home you must wade through water flowing across the entire width of the street while rain falls, and half way most of the time it is not falling.

If you don't have boots, you are very sure to wash your feet when you get home.

Some neighbors live too close to the lagoon or river, and water flows or sits in their house.

Not everyone has a block house that stays mostly leak free. Very few have a dehumidifyer to pull moisture out of molding rooms.

In fact, I'm seeing dozens of reports across Guatemala that are far worse than what we see here.

There are floods in dozens of areas, landlsides, flowing water sweeping away folks, and others suffering from the cold while every posession is damp.

50 degrees is not very cold when you come inside after enjoing it.

It's very cold when your inside is as cold and damp as your outside.

Hypothermia reports are coming in too.

Add to this that we are suffering frequent power outages, and are losing indoor water - or on purpose water as I loke to call it! I’m sure other areas are getting hit worse.

In all, Guatemala is really suffering with this rain, and the report shows nothing but rain for days to come!

For now we will try to stay warm and dry!

Please pray for our beloved Guatemala!


(Many photos came from meterologiaGT as they share reports from around the country).

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1 comentário

Jason Black
Jason Black
20 de jun.

You will be in my prayers and I will be mindful to put you on my Churchs' prayer list!!

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