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Selfies! Sharing smiles with the Fulplets

If you spend time around kids, then you know how much they can enjoy taking photos. Our little humans are no different!

Especially when they can see themselves in a selfie!

I decided to share a few highlights from some selfie fun the other night.

Now, I'm not typically so good at selfies, but who doesn't love wild little hugs and huge grins into a camera with their favorite little munchkins? Oli loves hugs ans selfies!

.... Especially when it's bedtime and she should be heading to her room!!

Sorry Mami Wanda, you made the cut too-- my editing skills are lacking!

Jenny is spunky and wild! If you are lucky enough to catch her sitting still, her smile lights up the room.

Alison came in for a lovely photo bomb--

Sometimes love hurts.

This was a genuine gag directly preceding a solid conversation in sign language about why choking hurts people! Alison has downs syndrome, is deaf, and pursues her career as an MMA champion. She's 0 and 14 with a shot at the tittle next month.

Cesar does not quite get the concept of a selfie...

Trying to get him to look in any particular direction is kinda like trying to flock a herd of rabbit monkeys.

His squirming is intense and borders on violent in its spasticity- I deleted about 9 attempts with Cesar! In the end we wound up with something only slightly blurry- a good day of selfie taking.

Next were some of the kids who cooperate a little better with selfies!

Manuelito in all his Downs baby glory!

Seriously, everyone needs a downs baby! Maybe that second one isn't a selfie, but I couldn't resist!

Miss Deisy- beautiful, as always! Mimi might be the princess, but Daisy is the queen!

And Ruavis is smiling! ... ok, it was a seizure smile, but he's soooo cute!

Miss B knows how to pose for the paparazzi, and frankly encouraging her puts everyone at risk for some major sass!

Aaaand Santi boy is always happy for a reason to cuddle a minute longer. If you know him, you can literally hear this picture- his laugh is so fun!

Esther is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen!

So forgive this poor timing!

She is pretty determined to get her beauty sleep,

and could care less if I want a photo with her.

I may have pushed the selfie issue too far...

Frankly, I deserved that!

Now Humberto had no problem with some bedtime shenanigans!

Humberto sticks out his tongue right until the camera comes out! I think he's trying to make me look bad!

Now, David is always ready for grins and giggles.

This week David went for his surgery for a permanent G-tube, so the next selfie will be NG-tube free! No more ugly tape! (To be fair, the tape always looks nicer before David pulls at it and has to get it reinforced.) But I'll tell you, this kid makes a tube look pretty cute!

And the twins!

I'm telling you, they rock the selfies!

Pedro brings out his sweet smile while Augusto squeals with wild abandon!

And to bring it home, Mimi wanted to share her stunning beauty.

Mimita is rolly-polly and fits into your arms. She smiles when you pick her up, and loves cuddles. Similar to Deisy, Mimita is the princess of the family.

So, by now you may have caught the pattern of blurry photos.


This is in part on the kids--they move.

A lot.

But being real, I also just stink at taking photos!

Thankfully, for me this is about the fun and the memories- I don't want to cut a fun memory just because I have a few too many chins in this one, or Jenny's face looks like the flash caught in freeze frame in that one!

Thanks for taking this journey with me!

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