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Let's look at Aliento

Taryn Fulp began a feeding program and has been devoted to a remote community in a southern department of Guatemala for nearly 3 years. Aliento serves soup, sponsors a number of girls so they can attend school, and manages a formula program for the town's malnourished children.

Taryn describes a typical program day-- For us, this is "packing up veggies, and big water jugs and driving an hour down toward the coast. When we arrive at Aldea Florido Aceituno, we unload, set up a tent, tables, and stools with the help if many small hands. We then start serving anywhere from 50-90 men, women, and children a nutritious chicken and vegetable soup. We talk and joke with people as they eat and we build relationships with them. Then if there is soup left at the end, we fill up people’s containers and they can take it home for later. Then we then pack everything up and drive back home".

Taryn and her team face many challenges as the families can be hard to reach. Most people in this town are distant and distrusting. Education level is very low and illiteracy rates are very high. Verbal, physical, and sexual abuse amongst family members is very, very common. All of these things make it hard to trust new people- even someone who has been investing in their lives for a few years.

Another challenge would be the rumors and gossip. Everyone gossips quite a bit and Taryn shares that many times rumors have been spread about her team that make people think they have bad intentions. This results in many people avoiding the feeding program. Eventually the rumors die down, and as people get hungry, they always come back! It should be stated that Taryn's team remains constant and trustworthy even as rumors fluctuate. This kind of consistency and not reciprocating rumors in return lead people to see something new in their town.

For Taryn, one of the most rewarding things is seeing change in the kids. You see, these kids grow up with very bad influence in their lives so at a young age, these bad tendencies start to show in the kids. Taryn shares "When we see them learn lessons from us, when we see them apologize for a mistake, or help someone else in need, It makes it all feel worth it!"

Running such a program means constant growth and change. Initially, Taryn started early in the morning and worked nearly until supper every program day! Now, Taryn has learned man ways to make things run smoother, and employs a few local women!

Most of Taryn’s team have now moved on to other things, but Taryn keeps on! Her husband and brothers are currently her most consistent helpers, as well as a few consistent drivers. One brother in particular has his one ministry in the town– he has won over many of the young men there. This is something that none of the ladies can do because of the town’s unique dynamics. Josh engages in the lives of these young men and over time has forged strong friendships that allow for deep conversations about their lives, and choosing to break free from the typical vices so many struggle with in this town.

It is evident in all aspects of Aliento– from feeding, to formula, to sponsorship, that Taryn’s heart is fully engaged in this community. She loves this town, and it’s people. That means celebrating the victories, and feeling the setbacks. Please continue to pray for Taryn’s Aliento program, and the lives it touches!

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