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Finding Arabella

The following comes from Daryl and Jeremiah Fulp while searching for a child to obtain measurements for a specialty wheelchair.

Jeremiah and I went on an adventure today to find a little girl who needs a wheelchair. She lives in a remote area of Comalapa, and her father could not send me their location. So, in order to find her, we had to drive to the closest large town and ask directions to their tiny town. Then, when we found that town, we had to ask directions to find their road. (Those directions involved the words “Go until you see a pile of gravel, and turn down a small road to the right before the pile.”)

At this point, I had to engage my 4x4, as the road was steep and rutted from rainy season. This road led us to a tiny tienda, where we stopped to ask for direction to the father’s home. And that took us down an even worse road, where I had to engage 4x4 low. As I drove down this road, I prayed that there would be a place to turn around, because I was not sure I could back out due to the narrow and very steep nature of the path we were driving down. By the time we found the home, it was little more than a cow path.

In their home, we met little 3 1/2 year old Arabella. She has cerebral palsy, and her parents are requesting a wheelchair for her. As we were speaking to her parent, Jeremiah asked them if they had other children. The mother left the room to bring in their son, who is 18 moths old. As soon as she carried him back into the room, I knew something was wrong. I made eye contact with Jeremiah, and I knew he was thinking the same. Their son also has cerebral palsy, but the family doesn’t yet know that. And, without speaking, my son and I both decided that today was not the day to tell them.

We will return in two weeks with a wheelchair for Arabella, as well as some formula to help her gain weight. And, as we develop a relationship with them, we will break the news to them about their son and walk alongside them as they care for him. But, for now, we will rest after a long day of traveling.

There are different times when people have spoken to me with skepticism or concern. “Why would you come so far for just one child?” My answer is always the same: “Because Jesus came much farther for me.”

Please pray for Arabella, her brother, and her parents.

This post was taken from Daryl Fulp's facebook post. Please follow him at of Jeremiah Fulp at for more posts and stories such as this.

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